WenminhCHEN 교수님

사이트 내 전체검색 검색어 필수

WenminhCHEN 교수님

WenminhCHEN 교수님

WenminhCHEN 교수님

임 상 생 체 역 학 연 구 실 ]



Wenming CHEN 연구 전담 교원


학력 전공

- 연구실 하연관(A) 323-2

- 전화 :(교내) 3585(Office), 5747(Lab)

- 이메일 :( wmchen@bme.inje.ac.kr )

- 홈페이지http://biomechanics-clinical.inje.ac.kr 

- Central China Normal University, B.S. in Bioengineering

- Huazhong University of Science & Technology, B.S. in Optoelectronic Engineering

- Inje University, M.S. in Biomedical Engineering

- National University of Singapore, Ph.D. in Bioengineering




생체역학 (Biomechanics)

Biomechanics involves the application of mechanical principles in the study of living organisms. It strives to explain the mechanics of life and living. From molecules to skeletal joints and from one movement to the other in human motions, everything must follow the law of mechanics. In this regard, biomechanics is very important for understanding of not only the nature of human locomotion but also the underlying physiological mechanisms and principles. In modern days, we are witnessing the wide ranges of application in biomechanics such as development of artificial organs, artificial joints, and fixation devices. All of these have been resulted from continued effort made in the field of biomechanics and they have contributed for the development of safer and more effective diagnostic tools and treatment modalities that in turn can prolong and enhance the quality of life. For example, development of the total hip joint have been able to help the patients to walk without pain and even participate in sports which was not possible 20 years ago. Also, persons with severe spinal deformities such as kyphoscoliosis can be surgically corrected with spinal instrumentation devices and retain a normal spinal curvature for the rest of their lives. Therefore, it is clear that the field of biomechanics will see more growth and wider applications as the demand for the better quality of life increases in the future.


-경 력-

연 도

기 관 명

직 위

비 고

2015. 03 ~ 현재

Inje University, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Assistant Professor


2011. 11 ~ 2015. 02

University of Melbourne, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Australia

Research Fellow



수상 경력-

연 도

수 상 명

수 상 내 용

비 고


Awarded Certificate 

Excellence in Reviewing, Elsevier Science -  Journal of Biomechanics 


Martyn Shorten Award for Innovation

10th Footwear Biomechanics Symposium (FBS) by the International Society of Biomechanics, Tubingen, Germany


Best Paper Award

15th Annual Symposium on Computational Methods in Orthopaedic Biomechanics, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007.


국내 외 학()회 활동 -

학 회 활 동

연 도

기 관



International Society of Biomechanics - XXIII ISB Congress, Brussels

3D analysis in foot session Chair




1. W-M Chen, SJ Lee, PVS Lee (2014). Plantar pressure relief under the metatarsal headsTherapeutic insole design using three-dimensional finite element model of the foot. Journal of Biomechanics: 48 (4), 659665.


2. W-M Chen, SJ Lee, PVS Lee (2014). The in-vivo plantar soft tissue mechanical property under the metatarsal head: Implications of tissues joint-Angle dependent response in foot finite element modeling. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 40, 264274.


3. S Martig, W-M Chen, PVS Lee, RC Whitton (2014). Bone fatigue and its implications for injuries in racehorses. Equine veterinary journal 46 (4), 408-415.


4. JW-M Chen, PVS Lee (2015). Explicit finite element modelling of heel pad mechanics in running: inclusion of body dynamics and application of physiological impact loads. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 18(14):1582-95.


5. WM Chen, J Park, SB Park, VPW Shim, T Lee (2012). Role of gastrocnemiussoleus muscle in forefoot force transmission at heel riseA 3D finite element analysis. Journal of Biomechanics 45 (10), 1783-1789.


6. WM Chen, VPW Shim, SB Park, T Lee (2011). An instrumented tissue tester for measuring soft tissue property under the metatarsal heads in relation to metatarsophalangeal joint angle. Journal of Biomechanics 44 (9), 1801-1804.


7. WM Chen, PVS Lee, SB Park, SJ Lee, VPW Shim, T Lee (2010). A novel gait platform to measure isolated plantar metatarsal forces during walking. Journal of Biomechanics 43 (10), 2017-2021.


8. WM Chen, T Lee, PVS Lee, JW Lee, SJ Lee (2010). Effects of internal stress concentrations in plantar soft-tissuea preliminary three-dimensional finite element analysis. Medical engineering & physics 32 (4), 324-331.



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